Rotator Maintenance Section 6 Page 11
A program of regular service should be established for the shear, including maintenance of the Internal Rota-
tion Control System. Use the base machine hour meter to determine service intervals.
The 8-Hour Inspection Checklist in this manual includes the rotation system and should be used daily to check
for wear, loose hose connections or components, and other signs of potential failure.
There are three maintenance items within the Internal Rotation Control System that should be checked every
six months or 1000 hours of operation:
1. Accumulator Precharge Pressure
2. Operating Flow
3. Operating Pressure
Keeping these three items adjusted to the specifi cations provided in this section will ensure that the rotator is
operating effi ciently and safely.
There is a bladder inside the accumulator that is precharged with nitrogen gas when the shear leaves the fac-
tory. When the accumulator is fi lled with hydraulic fl uid, this nitrogen bladder compresses and pressurizes the
accumulator. When the rotator function is operated, the pressurized accumulator sends the fl uid to the hydrau-
lic motor to rotate the shear. If the accumulator is not proper precharged, it directly affects the performance of
the rotator. For this reason it is necessary to check and maintain the proper accumulator precharge.
Prior to testing or precharging, lower the shear to the ground and support it properly in a position that will
give you the best possible access to the accumulator. It is necessary to drain the accumulator of hydraulic
fl uid to accurately measure its precharge. This is done by shutting off the base machine, which will cause the
unloading valve to drain the accumulator. To work on the accumulator, the protective cap and cap nut must
be removed. The O-ring must not be removed. Install a Schrader valve into the accumulator if one does not
already exist there. Contact the LaBounty Service Department if the Schrader valve hasn’t been installed on
your accumulator. Attach an accumulator charge and test unit so the gauge can be easily read. The location of
some accumulators may require a special adapter for access to the gas valve.