Soundscape Mixpander
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Supplied mixer files
Various other mixer files are provided, and mixers can be opened and saved using standard
Windows dialog boxes via the File menu:
The supplied mixer files include:
- DEF_32 direct IO compact.mix: for 96kHz operation.
- DEF_32 in 2.mix: default for 88 and 96kHz (same as previous).
- DEF_48 in 2.mix: for XLogic Alpha-Link AX users.
- DEF_ 64 Ch Mixer.mix: Identical to the 64 Ch Mixer (so that if you edit and save the 64 Ch Mixer,
you still have an identical copy of it on your hard disk).
- DEF_ 64 direct IO compact.mix: same as 32 IO compact, for 44.1kHz operation.
- …and many more! Most mixers have a descriptive name that suggests their intended
in demos are not installed or if the corresponding passwords have not been entered. Plug‐in
passwords can
be entered at any time under menu: Settings|Passwords. Demos are enabled