Remote Programming
FOUT (?) i {, j} The FOUT command sets or queries the front panel (CH1 and CH2)
output sources. The parameter i selects CH1 (i=1) or CH2 (i=2) and is
required. The FOUT i, j command sets output i to quantity j where j is
listed below. The definition of j is different for the two outputs.
CH1 (i=1) CH2 (i=2)
j output quantity j output quantity
0 X 0 Y
1 R 1 R
2 θ 2 θ
3 Trace 1 3 Trace 1
4 Trace 2 4 Trace 2
5 Trace 3 5 Trace 3
6 Trace 4 6 Trace 4
OEXP (?) i {, x, j} The OEXP command sets or queries the output offsets and expands.
The parameter i selects X (i=1), Y (i=2) or R (i=3) and is required. The
parameter x is the offset in percent (-105.00 ≤ x ≤ 105.00) and j is the
expand (1 ≤ j ≤ 256). The OEXP i, x, j command will set the offset and
expand for quantity i. This command requires BOTH x and j. The OEXP?
i command queries the offset and expand of quantity i. The returned
string contains both the offset and expand separated by a comma. For
example, if the OEXP? 2 command returns "50.00,10" then the Y offset
is 50.00% and Y expand is 10.
AOFF i The AOFF i command automatically offsets X (i=1), Y (i=2) or R (i=3) to
zero. The parameter i is required. This command is equivalent to press-
ing the Auto softkey in the Offset & Expand menu box.