
The VITALIZER works with steep filters and controlled changes of the phase
relationships of the harmonics to process the harmonics structure.
We consciously did without the generator principle of »Exciters«. The
ITALIZER's harmonic filter does not add any distortions to the original
signal, unlike with the generator principle. It extracts all the information it
needs from the original signal. This significantly reduces the hearing
fatigue effect on the listener. By influencing the phase relationship in an
intelligent fashion, the harmonics which have been filtered out are empha-
sized with increasing addition expressed as a percentage. The effect signifi-
cantly improves the speech intelligibility and the transparency. Old archived
recordings sound fresh and silky again. The brilliance of any audio signal
can be improved without it sounding sharp.
The H
ARMONICS filter derives its input signal from the original signal and
the output of the M
ID-HI TUNE filter. If you close the PROCESS control
(extreme left), the B
ASS and MID-HI TUNE controls do not function any more.
You can then listen to the H
ARMONICS control separately.
The second potentiometer level of the M
ID-HI TUNE control is responsible
for the cut-off frequency of the H
ARMONICS filter. A variation of the MID-HI
TUNE control alters the cut-off frequency (fundamental tone) of the harmo-
nics. Both filters complement each other in an ideal fashion as they each
always process the part of the audio signal which is not being processed by
the other filter. If the M
ID-HI TUNE control is set at 20 kHz, the HARMONICS
filter intervenes at low frequencies. If the MID-HI TUNE filter is at 1 kHz, the
ARMONICS filter affects higher frequencies. The characteristics of the two
filters therefore complement each other in an ideal fashion.
The C
OMBINE circuit is used to combine the PARAMETRIC and the VITALIZER
The V
ITALIZER needs the original signal portion to define the mid attenua-
tion by the P
ROCESS. If the mid attenuation is not required, COMBINE switches
the original signal off.
The P
ROCESS control becomes the LEVEL control of the VITALIZER. Normally,
the L
EVEL control is set at MAX.
When C
OMBINE has been activated, the VITALIZER works like an equalizer
which works on a purely additive basis.
The VITALIZER's control elements