
The Air filter comprises of a passive network of capacitor, resistor and coil
in the same way as the Sub Bass filter.It possesses a so called bell-characteri-
stic with a center frequency at 17.5 kHz. At this frequency the maximal
possible boost or cut is +/- 9 dB.
The inductivity of the coil possesses advantageous acoustic properties in
comparison to simple condenser resistor filter stages.
The build-up and decay behavior of the coil is somewhat sluggish which in
this case provides softer sound characteristics. Besides this coils produce a
more pleasant harmonic spectrum so that processed signals obtain a vastly
improved presence.
The Air filter is excellently suited to improve the presence of the high
frequency range and to produce a silky tonal atmosphere.This is an impor-
tant aspect for example in the restoration and tonal improvement of old
recordings.This in combination with the High filter provides extensive possi-
bilities for processing the top end. With the Air filter a brilliant top end can
be produced over which the High filter can superimpose frequency selective
3D Enhancer
The 3D Enhancer serves the expansion of the stereo base. The circuitry
“recognizes” the signal components, that are placed left and right in the
stereoscopic image and mixes them inverted to the respective opposite
side. In this way a decentralized location of the sound sources is simulated,
which magnifies the spatial impression. In this process monophonic signals
are weakened.
The adjustment range of the 3D Enhancer extends from 1 (= no proces-
sing) up to 19 (= maximum processing). In practice values between 6 and 14
have proven to give optimal performance. Dependant on the condition of
the original signal the mono compatibility should be monitored with a
phase meter when high settings are used.
Air,3D Enhancer