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P ro g r a m m i n g :
P rogramming the functions of your
SpeedZone® Team re q u i r es it to be placed
in various “modes” (i.e. odometer mode,
distance mode). The computer can be
cycled through these modes by pressing the
“MODE” button located on the right-hand
side of the housing. Once a specific mode
has been entered, its values can be reset or
adjusted by pressing either the “FUNC-
TION” button located on the left hand side
of the housing or by using a combination of
the “MODE” and “FUNCTION” buttons.
1. Miles or Kilometers selection:
Your SpeedZone® Team will re c o rd speed
and distance in either miles (M/h) or kilo-
meters (KM/h). To enter your selection of
miles or kilometers, push the “MODE” but-
ton until ODO (odometer) appears in the
lower left side of the display (This is called
the odometer mode). Hold down the
“FUNCTION” (left side) button and ‘tap’ the
“MODE” button once. The Km/h, m/h indi-
cator will begin blinking. You may now
a l t e rnate between miles and kilometers by
p ressing the “MODE” button. When the
c o rrect choice is flashing, select it by pre s s -
ing the “FUNCTION” button. You will now
enter the “Programmable Odometer” mode.
If the odometer setting is correct push the
“FUNCTION” button (5 times) to exit to
odometer mode (otherwise, see “Setting the
p r ogrammable odometer below).
2. Setting the
P ro g r a m m a b l e
O d o m e t e r :
The pro g r a m m a b l e
odometer mode is
accessed by enter-
ing the odometer (ODO) mode and holding
down the “FUNCTION” button and ‘tap-
ping’ the “MODE” button once. The Km/h
indicator will flash. If the Km/h setting is
c o rrect press the “FUNCTION” button once
and a five digit number will appear. Yo u
a r e now in the programmable odometer
mode. This mode is useful if you have
replaced the battery and would like to
retain the mileage you have already rid-
den. To enter a mileage into the odometer,
p ress the “MODE” button until the flashing
digit is correct. (Note: The “MODE” button
may be held to scroll to the correct digit.)
P r ess the “FUNCTION” button to select the
next digit to the right. Repeat the pro c e s s
until all five digits are entered as your exist-
ing mileage.
3. Wheel Circ u m f e r ence Selection:
To set the circ u m f e r ence for the type of tire s
you are using, you can use Specialized’s
exclusive “Easy Calibration Mode” or mea-
s u r e your actual tire circ u m f e rence by the
roll-out method. Two diff e r ent tire diameters
may be entered into the computer’s
“Second Wheel Option.”
Easy Calibration Mode:
Your SpeedZone® Team has been pre p ro-
grammed with the following 14
Specialized tire sizes:
•26 X 1.0 •26 X 1.25 •26 X 1.5
•26 X 1.75 •26 X 1.9 •26 X 2.0
•26 X 2.1 •26 X 2.2 •650 X 20
•700c X 20 •700c X 23 •700c X 26
•700c X 32 •700c X 38
When using Easy Calibration Mode, the
SpeedZone® will dis-
play the tire size on
i t ’s LCD display
s c reen. (see figure 6)
The Easy Calibration
Mode is accessed by
entering the odometer (ODO)
mode and holding down the
“FUNCTION” button for three seconds.
The display will now show the curre n t l y
selected tire size for wheel option #1.
To scroll through the pre p rogrammed tire
sizes tap both the “MODE” and “FUNC-
TION” buttons simultaneously. When you
reach the desired tire size press the
“FUNCTION” button once to select it and
enter Easy Calibration Mode for wheel
option #2. Follow the same pro c e d u re to
p r ogram the wheel #2 tire size and tap the
“FUNCTION” button to exit to odometer
f i g . 6