For Machines Mfg. Since 8/09 Model SB1027
5. Remove the two pump mounting cap screws
and move the pump out of the way (see
Figure 57).
6. Use rags, scrapers, and cleaning solvent
to thoroughly clean out the bottom of the
reservoir and the base of the pump. Make
sure that the interior is completely dry
before adding new coolant.
Note: Use a cleaning solvent that is compatible
with the type of coolant. For instance, if you
are using a water-base coolant, then use a
water-base cleaning solvent.
7. When the reservoir and pump are clean and
dry, replace the pump, access panel, and the
drain plug.
8. Clean away debris and grime from the
coolant drain screens on the base of the mill
(see Figure 56 on the previous page), then
pour the coolant through one of the screens
to fill the reservoir.
Changing Coolant
Tools Needed Qty
Hex Wrench 3mm .................................................1
Hex Wrench 5mm .................................................1
Catch Pan ..............................................................1
Bucket 5 Gal. .........................................................1
To change the coolant:
1. Put on personal protective equipment.
2. Place a the catch pan on the table, position
the coolant nozzle over the pan, then use the
coolant pump to drain the reservoir.
Note: When the catch pan is full, empty it into
the 5 gallon bucket, then repeat the process.
4. Remove the coolant reservoir access panel
from the rear of the column.
Figure 57. Location of coolant pump.
The coolant reservoir on this mill is only
designed to store coolant. During storage
some fluids grow dangerous microbes, which
will produce an unpleasant odor. As well,
due to the collection of toxic metal chips in
the fluid, the fluid can become a potent and
extremely poisonous solution to humans and
animals. Use the correct personal protection
equipment and immediately change the
coolant if either of these conditions occur.
Follow Federal, State, and the coolant
manufacturer's requirement to safely dispose
of the used coolant.