Basic operations
Copying music/videos/images
Copying music files
Example: Importing music tracks from an audio CD
1. Import
Use compatible software to import music tracks from an
audio CD to a PC.
2. Copy
Create a folder named “MUSIC” on Memory Stick Duo™
media using a PC, and then save music files in the folder.
File formats that can be played include MP3, AAC, and
Copying video files
Example: Importing video from a digital video camera
1. Import
Import video to a PC.
Import methods vary depending on the device in use. For
details, refer to the instructions supplied with the device.
2. Convert/Copy
Use compatible software to convert the video to a file
format that can be played on the PSP® system. Then, create
a folder named “VIDEO” on the Memory Stick Duo™ media
and save the video files in the folder.