Chapter 1 Overview 1-3
Chapter 1 Overview
Control Console
Compared with traditional console designs, the OXF-R3 offers greater
flexibility within more compact dimensions by using an assignable control
Modular Control Surface
The control surface of the OXF-R3 makes extensive use of assignable
panels to provide a console of manageable size for either one or two
operators, whilst giving greatly increased functionality. The current
system is capable of controlling up to 96 full channels and 12 stereo return
channels. The modular system divides functionally into the master
section, located in the centre, and the channel sections located either side
of the master section.
Signal Processing (SP) Rack
The SP rack is designed to use the minimum number of signal processing
cards depending on the system size. A high level Software Design Tools
System is used to generate automatically the low level software microcode
which runs the SP system. Data links to and from the control console are
via Ethernet connections, whilst a MADI interface is used between the SP
rack and the I/O racks. Additional bandwidth, available within the MADI
signal, is used to pass data for purposes such as remote control of analogue
amplifier gain.
Digital and Analogue I/O Racks
The I/O racks are designed to be located close to the equipment with which
they interface. Each I/O rack can contain a mix of up to 56 high quality
analogue inputs and/or outputs on 10 analogue I/O cards. Each analogue
card handles 4 or 8 inputs and 4 or 8 outputs according to its type. A mix
of input and output cards in the same I/O rack may, for example, allow cue
outputs for headphones to be local to appropriate microphone sources.
The digital and analogue I/O are housed in a single rack type. Digital I/O
has the same capability as the analogue, of up to 56 inputs and 56 outputs
per rack via AES/EBU and SDIF-2 (24) modules. The digital I/O system
also includes modules for Timecode, 9-Pin, GPI and MIDI. MADI
connections may be made directly to the SP rack.
Machine Control
Machine control for the OXF-R3 is accomplished via Sony 9-Pin control
and third party devices such as the “motionworker”, supplied by
Motionworks Ltd.
Refer to the Appendixes in this manual for further details of OXF-R3 capabilities.