Chapter 3 Preparations
Chapter 3 Preparations 3-5(E)
3-4 Adjusting the Flange Focal Length
Adjustment of the flange focal length
is necessary in
the following situations.
• The first time a lens is attached
•When changing lenses
•When zooming and the focus is not sharp at both
telephoto and wide angle
The various parts of the lens used in adjusting the
flange focal length are in different positions on
different lenses. Refer to the lens’ operation manual.
The procedure for adjusting the flange focal length is
as follows.
1 Set the iris control to manual, and open the iris
2 Place a flange focal length adjustment chart
approximately 3 meters from the camera and adjust
the lighting to get an appropriate video output
3 Loosen the Ff
ring lock screw.
4 With either manual or power zoom, set the zoom
ring to telephoto.
5 Aim at the flange focal length adjustment chart and
turn the focus ring to focus the image.
6 Set the zoom ring to wide angle.
7 Turn the Ff ring to bring the chart in focus. Take
care not to move the distance ring.
8 Repeat steps 4 through 7 until the image is focus at
both telephoto and wide angle.
9 Tighten the Ff ring lock screw.
1) Flange focal length
The distance between the lens mount attachment plane
and the imaging plane
2) Ff
Abbreviation of flange focal length
About 3 meters
(10 ft)