Additional information
Before disposing of or transferring the PSP® system
Before disposing of or transferring the PSP® system
Before transferring the system to another person
Before giving your PSP® system to another person for
any reason, including return (where permitted), delete all
the data and restore the default settings on the system.
This will help prevent unauthorized access to or use of
your credit card or other personal information.
Select (Settings) (System Settings)
[Restore Default Settings] to go back to
the settings at the time of purchase.
Select (Settings) (System Settings)
[Format System Storage] to delete all the
data saved in the system storage.
SCEA shall not be liable for any direct and indirect,
consequential, or special damages, including any damages
that may arise from unauthorized access to or use of the data.
Before disposing of the system
Delete all data
Before disposing of your PSP® system, delete all the data
and restore the default settings on the system. For details
about deleting the data on the system, see "Before
transferring the system to another person".
Remove the battery
The battery inside the PSP® system is recyclable. When
disposing of the system, remove the battery and follow
local regulations for the proper disposal of lithium-ion
When removing the battery, be sure to do the following:
e the battery in a location out of the reach of small
children to help prevent accidental swallowing of small
parts such as the screws.
Be careful not to hurt your nails or f
ingers when remo
the system casing.