Bed scale 7711
To accept, press ENTER for
3 seconds.
Keytone Select "off" or "on". Confir-
mation tone when a key is
pressed. Factory setting: "off"
Validation tone Select "off" or "on" Valida-
tion tone when a function
is executed. factory setting:
Time Enter into numerical key-
pad. Press ENTER to start
clock after confirmation
Date Enter into KEYPAD
Date format Select European or imperial
date; factory setting: Euro-
Organisation data
Description of ORG A Enter the description of the
organisation data mem ory
A; numerals or text entered
into KEYPAD, e.g. "Bed
number", "Room number"
max. 12 characters
Description of ORG B/ Further input options
ORG C/ ORG D for other organisation data
memories, see above
User password
New/change Enter password with up to
8 characters into keypad;
after activation, the Setting
mode is only accessible by
password. If you forget your
password, type in the word
CLEAR to release access.
Clear Clears the password and
releases access
Reset terminal
Do not execute/ "Execute" clears all
Executes all the individual terminal
settings and resets to fac-
tory settings