Operating Manual
Operating ManualOperating Manual
Operating Manual 3011
3011 3011
Operating Manual Digital Indicator 3011 Version V0.1 Stand: 06.09.07 Page 4 of 8
Subject to technical modifications. Drafts are protected according to §823 BGB: Copy, duplication or circulation only with explicit approval.
Soehnle Professional GmbH
Soehnle Professional GmbHSoehnle Professional GmbH
Soehnle Professional GmbH & Co. KG
& Co. KG & Co. KG
& Co. KG | P.O. Box 1308 | D-71536 Murrhardt | Telephone +49 (0) 7192 / 9319 – 0 | E-Mail info@soehnle-professional.com
SWITCH On/Off Type 3011
• Switch the indicator on/off via the ON/OFF key.
• While switching on, the scale is zeroed. If the scale is switched on outside the zero range
at power-on, the scale indicates an error message:
_0_ = Measuring value below zero limit
_ _
0 = Measuring value above zero limit
The application is switched off to avoid the cause for under/overload before the next
switch on. The zero range at power-on can be skipped by pressing the zero key during
the switch on routine. The last saved zero point is accepted.
The active measuring point is indicated as flag on the display. Switchover to another
measuring point is realised by pressing the Info and Print key on the keyboard.
• Zero range limits at power-on:
Approvable: Zero range at power-on 20% of maximum, default –5% to +15% of maximum
Non-approvable: Zero range at power-on –99% to +99% of maximum
• Behaviour at power failure: the scale returns in the last saved state.
• At power-on (warm or cold starting), the last used program is activated.