Smeg Australia Pty Ltd is constantly seeking ways to improve the specifications, design and
production of its products. Alterations take place continually. Whilst every effort is made to
produce up-to-date literature, this brochure should not be regarded as an infallible guide to
the current specifications, nor does it constitute an offer for the sale of any particular product.
Product cutouts indicated in our literature are indicative only. Actual product only should be
used to define cutout sizes. Distributors, agents and retailers are not agents of Smeg Australia
and have no authority to bind Smeg Australia by any express or implied undertaking or
Smeg Australia Pty Ltd
Sydney Head Office
02 8667 4888
Smeg Service 02 8667 4833
Smeg Spare Parts 02 8667 4875
Smeg Melbourne 03 9094 1999
Australia-wide distributors:
Newcastle 02 4960 9266
Wagga Wagga 02 6922 8600
Queensland 07 3266 0444
Tasmania 03 6334 8166
South Australia 08 8346 1888
Western Australia 08 9389 8000