Displays status for each audio, video and serial port.
Name Details
Video Status
Resolution Display a capture resolution.
Frame size (byte) Display a data size of the last frame.
Interval (ms) Display a capture interval.
FPS Display a frame rate.
Frame count (frame) Display a number of the captured frame.
Codec error count
Display a number of codec error (the errors notied from
codec chip).
Frame lost count
(Receiver only) Display a number of frame that could not be
Audio Status
Sampling Rate Display PCM sampling rate.
Data lost count
(Receiver only) Display a number of data that could not be
Serial Status
Baudrate (bps) Display a baudrate.
Bit length Display a bit length.
Stop bit Display a stop bit.
Parity Display a parity bit.
Flow control Display a ow control.
Transmitted data count Display a number of transmitted data.
Received data count Display a number of received data.