Group Configuration and Management
The control system can support up to 4 independent groups. The default configuration
uses one group (group #0) where all ports (0-7) are part of the same logical system.
Ports can be grouped so that each logical group (#0 to #3) can operate independently.
This means that ports in group 0 will not interact with ports in group 1, etc. The only
limitation is that all groups must uses the same system settings. This means they will
use the same command set, telemetry tones, etc.
C210 (u) Define group Sets up a group membership.
Syntax is *C210 g r1 r2 r3 D
g is the group number (0..3)
r1, r2, … are port numbers.
Example: C210 0 123 = Assign ports 1,2,3 to group 0
C211 (u) Define group linked Sets the group members which are linked by
Syntax is C211 gr1r2r3D
g is the group number (0..3)
r1, r2, … are port numbers
You do not need to define the group members first.
Radios included here which are not group members will be ignored, but will
be remembered if they are included in the group later.
C212 (u) Create linked group
Used to create a temporary group to link groups together.
Syntax is *C212rrrrrD
Where each r is a digit from 0 to 7 used to list the radios in the group. They
are all link on by default. Radio types do not change. Linkmap.
This does not
save to eeprom, so it reset when the processor is reset. It is also
reset by site normal, C300, and restore groups, C213
C213 (u) Restore groups