DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
Installation Manual SW 6000 ver 6.2.docx
5 After installation of SW 6000 Software
5.1 Starting the CUI for the first time
After the SW 6000 has been installed a shortcut to
the CUI application have now been created at the
‘Desktop’, in the ‘Start menu’ and in the ‘Startup
folder’ for automatic startup of the application.
When starting the CUI for the first time the CUI
configuration windows open.
Connect via Serial Port if your CU is a CU 6005, CU
6010 or CU 6011, by selecting the COM port,
where the CU is connected.
Connect via Network if your CU is a CU 6105 or CU
6110, by selecting the app
Click ‘Set License’
A browser window will open. Browse to the ‘SW
6000 License’ file.
Click ‘Yes’ to insert the license file
Info: For more information about the SW 6000
License file, please refer to section ‘0
Important: The list window will only list the
CU’s if ‘Apple – Bonjour for Windows’ is installed.
If ‘Bonjour is not installed please refer to point
39 in the section ‘7.1 Advanced setting in the
CUI’ and use the CU IP address to identify the CU.