Microscope Set-up
1. Place the microscope on a clean workbench or other firm surface
and install the lens barrel.
Lower the microscope stage by turning the black focus knob at
either side of the vertical stand.
Install the lamps in the lamp assembly. With the lamps pointing
downward, snap the lamp assembly over the vertical body tube and
slide the assembly upward as far as it will go.
Plug the line cord into a 120 Vac, 50/60
outlet.* Rotate the line
cord switch to ON. Both lamps should light.
(NOTE: Replace de-
fective lamps with Type 6S6
6W, 120V, candelabra base; testing
cannot be performed unless both lamps are lit.)
5. If a Shure stylus is to be inspected, place the mounting block with
stylus on the microscope stage. With the mounting block centered
between the two raised socket-head capscrews and the mounting
block pin located in the hole in the platform, the stylus tip should
be almost directly below the objective lens.
6. If other than a Shure stylus is to be inspected, place the mounting
plate with stylus on the microscope stage. With the mounting plate
centered between the two raised socket-head capscrews and the
mounting plate pin located in the hole in the stage, the stylus tip
should be positioned near the objective lens.
If a cartridge with a non-replaceable stylus is to be evaluated, first
determine whether the stylus tip, when the cartridge is lying upside-
down on the stage, will be perpendicular to the objective lens. If
it is perpendicular, proceed to step
If it is not, place the cartridge
on top of a small piece of supplied pliable material on the mount-
ing plate and gently press the cartridge body down until the stylus
tip is perpendicular to the objective lens.
Turn the eyepiece zoom control to 10 (100x magnification) and use
and y-positioning knurled knobs to center the stylus tip in
the eyepiece. The most convenient method of positioning the stylus
is to shine the beam of the pencil-type flashlight down through the
eyepiece to the stage. The stylus should be moved, using the x- and
y-positioning controls, until the beam shines directly on the stylus
tip. NOTE: Left to right and front to back movements are reversed
when viewed through the eyepiece.
Using the black focus control at either side of the vertical stand,
bring the stylus tip to within
in.) of the objective lens.
CAUTION: Do not allow the stylus tip to touch the objective lens,
as the diamond tip will scratch the glass. Adjust the microscope
focus control to bring the tip into focus. When in focus, the stylus
tip should be approximately 6 mm
in.) from the objective lens.
10. Rotate the eyepiece zoom control to 12
(120x magnification).
for information on 240-volt operation.