HDE 1030
HDE 1030-2 D 1 Two-channel receiver, switchable
(Cat. no. 04026) between 36.64 and 36.72 MHz.
HDE 1030-2 D 2 Two-channel receiver, switchable
(Cat. no. 04027) between 37.16 and 37.82 MHz.
HDE 1030-3 UK 1 Three-channel receiver, three switchable fre-
(Cat. no. 04029) quencies in the range between 48 and 50 MHz
HDE 1030-2 F 1 Two-channel receiver, switchable, for two
(Cat. no. 04028) approved frequencies in France
HDE 1030 Single-channel receiver with the following
(Cat. no. 03881) 36.64 MHz
(Cat. no. 03882) 36.72 MHz
(Cat. no. 03883) 37.04 MHz
(Cat. no. 03884) 37.16 MHz
(Cat. no. 03885) 37.82 MHz
(Cat. no. 03886) 37.98 MHz
HDE 1030 Single-channel rceiver, frequency chosen by
(Cat. no. 03880) customer
HDE 1030 F 1 Single-channel rceiver, version for an
(Cat. no. 04030) approved frequency in France
HDE 1030 UK 1 Single-channel receiver, version for an
(Cat. no. 04031) approved frequency in the UK
HDE 1030-3 Three-channel receiver, three switchable
(Cat. no. 04029) frequencies (36 - 50 MHz)
Radio frequency mono receiver for use on
guided tours and in conferences.
Ǡ Lightweight
Ǡ Environmentally friendly operation with
rechargeable accuplugs
Ǡ Storage and charging in the system case
EZL 1030
Ǡ colour-coded identification markers for
different frequencies