Title Explanation
One Pair
Two of the same cards. For example, there are two “J”.
Two Pairs
Two groups of the same cards. For example, there are
two 6’s and two 10’s.
Three of a Kind
Three of the same cards. For example, three 6’s.
Cards that comprise a chain of increasing value: 8-9-10-J-
Q, 10-J-Q-K-A or A-2-3-4-5. As you can see, Ace can be
the lowest card (1) as well as the highest card (A). The
following combinations are not valid: J-Q-K-A-2 or Q-K-A-
2-3, etc. as Ace can only be either the lowest or the
highest card in the straight. The cards don’t necessarily
have to be located in such order, what’s important is the
possibility of building a chain like that from the cards
currently held by player: 7-4-5-8-6 will be a straight as
All cards of the same suit. For example, all cards are in
the diamond suit.
Full House
Three of the same cards plus two of the same cards. For
example, three “K” plus two 6’s.
Four of a Kind
Four of the same cards. For example, four 10’s.
Straight Flush
A straight comprised of the same suit. For example, 7-8-
9-10-J in the diamond suit.
Royal Flush
The highest straight comprised of the same suit. For
example, 10-J-Q-K-A in the diamond suit.