Saving Your Online Pictures with Seagate Dashboard Example: Downloading Pictures from Facebook
Seagate Dashboard User Guide 22
5. On the Save screen, Seagate Dashboard shows the number of new pictures that have been
posted in your account. “New” pictures are those that Seagate Dashboard has found in your
account but hasn’t already downloaded. Click the Facebook icon to download them.
6. Seagate Dashboard downloads the files to a directory on your local system. Click My Online
Documents to set the location of the download directory.
7. Click the magnifying glass button to explore the download directory. Seagate Dashboard
saves the pictures in a subdirectory that corresponds to the name of the album in Facebook.
Figure 16: Seagate Dashboard Save Screen
Click here to set where the
downloaded pictures are saved.
Click here to open the
directory where the pictures
are saved
Click here to download the files to
your system