
Momentus 4200.3 PATA Product Manual, Rev. B
5.2 BIOS versions tested
The following list indicates the types of BIOS Seagate tested during the compatibility testing process. The list
highlights the major BIOS manufacturers. Individual systems contain variations of these BIOS versions and
were tested with regard to their implementation in the individual systems.
Table 10: Tested BIOS versions
Vendor Release Revision
ACER 1.01
ACPI Ver. 1.20
AMI Various Various
Apple 4.71F1
Apple 4.8.4F1
Award Various Various
Compal 38118 v2.00
Compaq 68xxx Various
Compaq 78xxx Various
Compaq 8602 v1.08
Compaq F.0 7
Dell Various A03
Gateway Various
HP Various Various
IBM Various Various
Insyde SCU 1.1
Insyde Various Various
Insyde Mobilepro Various
Intel 786B2 v1.11
M1300 A02 37763
Medion 1.0D-1373-0812
Micron Various
Mobile Pro 4.00.01 V1.04 EC1.01M
NEC Various Various
Phoenix Various Various
Tos hi ba Various Various