8 Savvio 10K.5 SAS Product Manual, Rev. D
Note. There is no significant performance difference between Self-Encrypting Drive and standard (non-
Self-Encrypting Drive) models.
4.4 Reliability
• Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) of 0.44%
• Mean time between failures (MTBF) of 2,000,000 hours
• Balanced low mass rotary voice coil actuator
• Incorporates industry-standard Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.)
• 5-year warranty
4.5 Formatted capacities
Standard OEM models are formatted to 512 bytes per block. The block size is selectable at format time and
must be a multiple of 4 bytes. Users having the necessary equipment may modify the data block size before
issuing a format command and obtain different formatted capacities than those listed.
To provide a stable target capacity environment and at the same time provide users with flexibility if they
choose, Seagate recommends product planning in one of two modes:
Seagate designs specify capacity points at certain block sizes that Seagate guarantees current and future
products will meet. We recommend customers use this capacity in their project planning, as it ensures a stable
operating point with backward and forward compatibility from generation to generation. The current guaranteed
operating points for this product are shown below.
4.6 Programmable drive capacity
Using the Mode Select command, the drive can change its capacity to something less than maximum. See the
Mode Select (6) parameter list table in the SAS Interface Manual, part number 100293071. A value of zero in
the Number of Blocks field indicates that the drive will not change the capacity it is currently formatted to have.
A number other than zero and less than the maximum number of LBAs in the Number of Blocks field changes
the total drive capacity to the value in the Number of Blocks field. A value greater than the maximum number of
LBAs is rounded down to the maximum capacity.
4.7 Factory-installed options
You may order the following items which are incorporated at the manufacturing facility during production or
packaged before shipping. Some of the options available are (not an exhaustive list of possible options):
• Other capacities can be ordered depending on sparing scheme and sector size requested.
• Single-unit shipping pack. The drive is normally shipped in bulk packaging to provide maximum protection
against transit damage. Units shipped individually require additional protection as provided by the single unit
shipping pack. Users planning single unit distribution should specify this option.
•The Safety and Regulatory Agency Specifications, part number 75789512, is usually included with each
standard OEM drive shipped, but extra copies may be ordered.
Capacity (Blocks)
900GB 600GB 450GB 300GB
Decimal Hex Decimal Hex Decimal Hex Decimal Hex
1,758,174,768 68CB9E30h 1,172,123,568 45DD2FB0h 879,097,968 3465F870h 585,937,500 22ECB25Ch
1,720,961,544 6693CA08h 1,147,307,696 446286B0h 860,480,776 3349E508h 573,653,848 22314358h
1,698,023,400 6535C7E8h 1,132,015,600 43792FF0h 849,011,704 329AE3F8h 566,007,800 21BC97F8h
1,673,624,336 63C17B10h 1,115,749,560 4280FCB8h 836,812,168 31E0BD88h 557,874,778 21407E5Ah