
Mounting specifications
The ST9144 family drives are built with metric mounting screw
threads. Screw insertion depth is limited to 0.150 inches
(3.81 mm) maximum on the side mounting holes and
0.190 inches (4.82 mm) maximum on the bottom mounting holes.
The screw size for the bottom and the side mounting holes
is M3X0.5.
Caution. Do not exceed 3 inch-lbs torque for mounting screws.
ST9051A only. ST9051A drive with part number 914003-XXX
has standard screw thread size: 4-40 UNC-2B.
ST9052A only. Screw insertion depth on the ST9052A is limited
to 0.1490 inches (3.80 mm) maximum on the side and bottom
mounting holes.
Installation trouble-shooting
Before you begin trouble-shooting, read and be aware of all the
considerations discussed in this section. The suggestions pre-
sented here resolve the vast majority of installation problems.
Warning. Always power down the system before changing
jumper settings or unplugging cables and cards.
Verify compatibility. Check the documentation for the host
adapter and the drive to confirm that these components are
appropriately matched for each other and to your system.
Verify your configuration. Refer to the drive and controller
installation guides to make sure all jumper settings suit your
configuration requirements.
Check all cables. Make sure all cables are securely con-
nected. Ribbon cables are especially fragile. Make sure they
are not crimped or damaged in any way. Having extra cables
on hand for trouble-shooting saves time and frustration.
16 ST9144 Family Installation Guide, Rev. B