
Server component identification 61
Table 13 Quickfind diagnostic display LEDs
Item Description Status Action
7 I/O power fault Off = Normal
On = Attention required
A power fault on the system I/O board occurred. If the
problem persists, replace the system I/O board.
8 Therm trip Off = Normal
On = Attention required
The server experienced a thermal shutdown.
If one of the CPU thermal LEDs is amber, that CPU
experienced an overtemperature condition.
Be sure that the processor heatsink is properly attached. For
more information, see Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting.”
Be sure that no 1.7-inch DIMMs are installed that prevent
airflow across the processor heatsink.
Be sure that the correct DIMMs (1.2 inches tall) are installed.
Be sure that all fans are installed and working properly.
9 SCSI interlock Off = Normal
On = Attention required
Be sure that the SCSI backplane is installed properly.
10 Power supply 1 Off = Normal
On = Attention required
Look at the LEDs on the front of the power supply and take
the appropriate action.
11 Power supply 2 Off = Normal
On = Attention required
Look at the LEDs on the front of the power supply and take
the appropriate action.
12 Bus error Off = Normal
On = Attention required
A bus error occurred.
The error might have been caused by one of the adapter
cards on this bus (see amber LEDs for which slots might have
caused the error).
If problem persists, remove or replace one or both of the
Hot-plug SCSI hard drives
Figure 56 Hot-plug SCSI hard drive LEDs
Table 14 Hot-plug SCSI hard drive LEDs
Item Description Status
1 Drive activity On = Drive activity
Flashing = High activity on the drive or drive is being configured as part of an array
Off = No drive activity
2 Online status On = Drive is part of an array and is currently working
Flashing = Online activity
Off = No online activity