
2.2 I/O cable and connector
The drive uses a 40-pin, male I/O connector with two rows of twenty pins
each and a notch for keying. Pin 20 is removed for keying purposes. A
drawing of the I/O connector is shown in Figure 2. Pin 1 is located near
the 4-pin power connector when the I/O connector is mounted.
The table below lists recommended parts for the mating connector. You
can use equivalent parts.
Part Description 3M part number
Connector 40-pin 3M-3417-7000
Connector 40-pin 3M-3448-2040
Flat cable AWG28 (stranded) 3M-3365-40
To ensure the integrity of your data, use a 40-connector, nonshielded I/O
cable with a maximum length of 18 inches (46 centimeters).
2.3 Power connector
The drive uses a standard 4-pin, male power connector. We recommend
the following part number or their equivalents for the mating connector.
Part Description Part number
Connector Housing AMP 1-480424-0
Connector Pin (loose piece) AMP 60619-4
Connector Pin (reel) AMP 6117-4
Cable 18 AWG
0.70 ± 0.010
± 0.002
0.100 typ
0.230 ± 0.003
0.235 ± 0.025
0.070 ± 0.010
0.100 ± 0.010
0.025 ± 0.002
pin 1
Figure 2. ATA interface connector
18 Medalist Pro 6450/6451 Product Manual, Rev. B