Standard installation
1. Turn the computer on.
2. Enter the System Setup routine. (Refer to your computer
user’s guide. System Setup may be called Setup, BIOS Setup
or CMOS Setup.) If your computer uses an automatic setup
utility, see the caution below.
3. Find the hard disc configuration in the System Setup screen.
4. Select a drive type that matches the drive translation geometry
for your drive as shown in the following table.
Translation geometry
Cyl Heads
per track
ST3295A 272.7 761 14 50 260
ST3660A* 545.5 1057 16 63 520
ST3660A** 528.5 1024 16 63 504
* Use this translation geometry if you know your computer
can accept more than 1,024 cylinders.
** Use this translation geometry if you are not sure your
computer can accept more than 1,024 cylinders.
Note. CHKDSK and CMOS capacities are approximations.
The capacities your computer reports may vary slightly.
Caution. If your computer is capable of automatic System
Setup, it may read the total number of physical
cylinders into the translation geometry chart in
System Setup. If your system does not acknow-
ledge more than 1,024 cylinders, it may overwrap
the initial cylinders in its representation. This re-
duces the effective drive capacity to only the over-
wrapped cylinders. The effective cylinder count is
8 Medalist XE Family Installation Guide, Rev. A