Getting Started ......................................................... 7
Using This Guide ..................................................... 8
Selecting Your Connection Diagrams................... 9
Explorer DHCT Front Panel................................. 10
Explorer DHCT Back Panel .................................. 11
Using an RF Bypass Module ................................ 14
Optional Devices................................ 12 through 16
Connection Diagrams........................ 17 through 27
Using the DHCT .................................................... 28
Tips for Improved Performance .......................... 29
Notices ..................................................................... 31
FCC Compliance ..................................... Back cover
Optional Devices
Connecting a VHF Transformer for
Non-Cable-Ready TV ............................................ 12
Connecting a TV with the PIP Feature
to a Signal Splitter .................................................. 13
Using an RF Bypass Module ................................ 14
Connecting a Digital Audio Decoder ................. 16
Connection Diagrams
Connecting a Non-Stereo TV ............................... 17
Connecting a Stereo TV ........................................ 18
Connecting a Non-Stereo TV and a
Non-Stereo VCR ..................................................... 19
Connecting a Non-Stereo TV and a
Stereo VCR .............................................................. 20
Connecting a Stereo TV and a
Non-Stereo VCR ..................................................... 21
Connecting a Stereo TV and a
Stereo VCR .............................................................. 22
Connecting a Stereo TV with S-Video Input ..... 23
Connecting a Stereo TV and VCR with
S-Video Input ......................................................... 24
Connecting a Non-Stereo TV, Non-Stereo
VCR, and Stereo Receiver or Amplifier.............. 25
Connecting a Stereo TV, Stereo VCR, and
Stereo Receiver or Amplifier ................................ 26
Connecting a Stereo TV, Stereo VCR, and
Home Theatre Receiver......................................... 27