
Guide to This Machine
Guide to This Machine
The location of keys and indicators vary depending on machine models, Type
A and Type B.
Type A
Control panel
1. {
{User Tools}
} key
Press to change the default to meet your
2. {
{On Line}
} key
Allows data on a computer to be printed
on this machine (online status).
When the Auto On Line indicator is
lit, the machine will automatically en-
ter the online status when receiving
data from a computer without having
to press the {
{On Line}
} key.
3. {
{Auto On Line}
} key
You can select whether the machine auto-
matically switches to On Line mode
when it receives data from a computer.
When pressing this key to turn on Auto
On Line, the indicator will light. Then,
when data from a computer is received,
the machine will automatically enter the
On Line status (In this case, it is not nec-
essary to press the {
{On Line}
} key).
4. Display Panel
Shows operation status, error messages,
and function menus.
5. {
{Clear Modes/Energy Saver}
} key
Press to cancel the current settings. The
machine settings return to their default.
When the machine is in Energy Saver sta-
tus, press {
{Clear Modes/Energy Saver}
} key
to cancel Energy Saver status and to re-
turn to the normal status.
Auto On Line
Original Storage
14 13 12 11 10 9 7 68
12 43 5