● Install the indoor unit more than 3.3' (1 m) away from any
antenna or power lines or connecting wires used for tele-
vision, radio, telephone, security system, or intercom.
Electrical noise from any of these sources may affect
● install in a sturdy manner to avoid increased operating
2-2. Embedding the Tubing and Wiring
● Before beginning embedding installation work, consult
fully with agencies or offices related to the building’s
foundation, construction, electricity, and water.
● Wait to make connections to the embedded portion.
Each connection step is described later in this
● Securely cover the end of the embedded tubing to
prevent intrusion of dirt or moisture.
● If an embedded tube is to be left for a long time, fill
the tube with nitrogen and seal both ends securely.
If a tube is left open for an extended time, moisture in
the air inside the tubing may condense into water
droplets, and lead to water contamination of the refrig-
erant circuit.
● In order to prevent insulation breakdown and ground
faults, do not allow wiring ends to come in contact with
rainwater, or be subjected to condensation or dew.
● Apply sufficient thermal insulation to the refrigerant
tubing and drain pipes.
Table 3
* If total tubing length becomes 150 to 200 ft. (Max.) or 150 to 230 ft. (Max.), charge additional refrigerant (R410A) by 0.22 oz./ft.
No additional charge of compressor oil is necessary.For more detailed charging information, refer to the Technical & Service Manual.
Max. Max. Allowable Total Limit of Limit of Elevation Required Amount
Allowable Tubing Length Total Tubing Length Difference of Additional
Model Tubing Length at shipment (L1+L2+L3) or (H1, H2, H3, H4) Refrigerant
per unit (L1+L2+L3) or (L1+L2+L3+L4) (ft.) (oz./ft.)*
(ft.) (L1+L2+L3+L4) (ft.)
CM1972 82 150 (L1+L2+L3) 150 (L1+L2+L3) 50 —
CM2472 82 150 (L1+L2+L3+L4) 200 (L1+L2+L3+L4) 50 0.22
CM3172 100 150 (L1+L2+L3+L4) 230 (L1+L2+L3+L4) 50 0.22
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