9-image display playback
You can display 9 still images at once on the LCD monitor.
Select the still image playback mode (see page 96).
œ An image appears on the LCD monitor.
Push the zoom switch towards ;.
œ The 9-image display appears.
œ The number displayed for each image is the number for
that image.
Use the arrow button to move the y mark to the
desired image, and press the SET button.
œ The selected image is displayed full screen.
œ You can also turn the jog dial to move the y mark.
œ Instead of pressing the SET button, you can also enlarge
the image by moving the zoom switch to the O position.
When you have finished viewing the images, turn off the digital camera.
To jump forward or backward 100 images if more than 100 images exist
1 Display the 9-image display playback screen.
2 Press the MACRO button.
œ The frame around the images turns dark blue.
3 Press either [d] or [c].
œ Press [d] to move back 100 images.
œ Press [c] to move forward 100 images.
œ The frame around the images returns to black.
œ To jump another 100 images, repeat steps 2 and 3 above.
4 Use the arrow button to move the y mark to the desired image and press the SET button.
œ The selected image is displayed full screen.
If ? appears in the 9-image display
œ ? may be displayed if the images were saved on the card using a different digital camera.
What if the image numbers are not consecutive?
œ The number for each image is its specific file number. For this reason, even if you erase an
image from the line-up, the numbers of the subsequent images do not change. For example, in
the case above, if you were to erase image number 0005, in step 3 image number 0005 is
skipped, and the displayed numbers will be, in order, 0001 to 0004, followed by 0006 to 0010.
0001 0002 0003
0004 0005 0006
0007 0008 0009
Image number
Selecting mark
SX511/EX, /E, /U (VPC-AZ1EX, VPC-AZ1E, VPC-AZ1 GB) Thu. Nov., 29/2001