
Configure the network of computer
When you use the projector through the network, the IP address of the pro-
jector must be the same IP network number of the existing network. Also it
is required to use the same IP network number of the computer to set up the projec-
tor. In the network included with the gateway (router), it must be used with the IP
network number specified by the gateway (router).
Configure the computer's network by following steps:
Windows 98/85/Me
This example explains how to set the following
network address.
1 Select the Control Panel menu from [Start] -
[Setting] menu.
2 Double click the Network icon on the control
panel window.
3 Select the TCP/IP*
item on the "Current
Network Component" column on the "Network
configuration" tab on the "Network" dialog win-
dow, and then press the Properties button.
4 Click IP Address tab, and then select the
Specified IP address. Enter the IP Address*
and Subnet Mask.
5 Click the Gateway tab and enter the Gateway
Address then press the Add button. Please
make sure that the entered gateway address
appears on the "Installed Gateway column.
This setting is not needed if the network does not
provide the gateway (router).
6 Click the OK button, the setting window will
be closed and restart the computer.
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Gateway Address :