4 - 6
2. Detailed Settings Function
Remote Controller Functions
Item code Item
Setting data
No. Description
(1B) Forced thermostat ON time
0000 5 minutes
0001 4 minutes
Cooling discharge
temperature shift
–010 –20°F
–009 –18°F
–008 –16°F
0010 20°F
Heating discharge
temperature shift
–010 –20°F
–009 –18°F
–008 –16°F
0010 20°F
Temperature shift for
cooling/heating change in
auto heat/cool mode
0001 ±2°F
0002 ±4°F
0003 ±6°F
0007 ±14°F
(Upper limit)
Change to remote
control temperature
setting range
0018 64°F (Lower limit at shipment)
0019 66°F
(Lower limit)
0029 84°F
0030 86°F (Upper limit at shipment)
(Upper limit)
0016 60°F (Lower limit at shipment)
0017 62°F
(Lower limit)
0029 84°F
0030 86°F (Upper limit at shipment)
(Upper limit)
0018 64°F (Lower limit at shipment)
0019 66°F
(Lower limit)
0029 84°F
0030 86°F (Upper limit at shipment)
(Upper limit)
Auto heat/cool
0017 62°F (Lower limit at shipment)
0018 64°F
(Lower limit)
0026 78°F
0027 80°F (Upper limit at shipment)
Humidifier operation
0000 Normal
0001 Ignore heat exchanger temperature conditions.
Filter (CN70) input
0000 Filter input (differential pressure switch input)
0001 Alarm input (for trouble input about air cleaner or similar device)
Humidifier input (Operates linked with drain pump when humidifier is
Indoor unit electronic
control valve
0000 Present (Setting at shipment)
0002 None
T10 terminal switching
0000 Normal (Used as optional relay PCB or JEMA standard HA terminal.)
0001 Used for OFF reminder
0002 Fire prevention input