To redial the last telephone number you dialed, press the LNR key or
dial 1 9 .
N O T E S :1. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must
first lift the handset or press SPK b e f o re you begin dialing.
2. Redial does not apply to intercom calls.
To save the number you just dialed for later use, press the SNR k e y
b e f o re hanging up. To redial this saved number at any time, press the
SNR key or dial 1 7 . The same line will be selected for you.
N O T E S :1. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must
first lift the handset or press SPK b e f o re you begin dialing.
2. The saved telephone number is stored in memory until you
save another.
3. Redial does not apply to intercom calls.
You may manually dial additional digits following a speed dial
number or chain as many speed dial numbers together as re q u i re d :
• After the first speed dial number is dialed, press SPD again and dial
another speed number OR manually dial additional digits following
a speed dial number.
When you are making an outside call and you receive a busy signal,
the system can automatically redial the number for you. It will
automatically redial at a pre - p rogrammed interval for up to 15
a t t e m p t s .
• When you hear a busy signal, press the R E T RY b u t t o n .
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