260 Section 3B: Mobile Podcasting
4. From the Mobile Registration page, click on the your
mobile phone link and fill out the following information:
Ⅲ Your Mobile Carrier: enter USA - Sprint.
Ⅲ Your Mobile Phone Number: your wireless phone
number (Menu > Settings > Phone Info).
Ⅲ Samsung Model: Upstage.
Ⅲ Send a text message: (see step 5).
5. Choose how you would like to have podcast updates
delivered. You can have podcasts delivered to your
mobile phone by:
Ⅲ VoiceIndigo Mobile: VoiceIndigo Mobile, supported
by UpStage
, automatically synchronizes the
podcasts in your account between the Web and
your phone. Leave your phone on, and listen to
podcasts whenever and wherever you want.
ࡗ If this is your selected method of Podcast update,
do not check the “Send a text message” option at
the bottom of the Mobile Registration page.
Ⅲ Using the [mobilize] links next to specific podcasts.
The service will send a text message to your phone
with a convenient link that enables you to
download the podcast.