4. Press to highlight the entry requiring editing.
5. Press . The existing phone number is highlighted.
6. Press and select Edit. Press and highlight the option you want
to edit.
7. Press and edit the option selected. Press to save edits. Repeat to
edit other options.
8. Press to save phone book entry.
9. Press .
10. Select Yes or No from the confirmation screen.
11. Press to save your changes.
Note: Press until the existing number is deleted. Enter the new
number. (You can enter up to 32 digits.)
Adding pauses
When you call automated systems (like banking services), you are often
required to enter a password or account number. Instead of manually entering
the numbers each time, you can store the numbers in your Phone Book
separated by special characters called pauses.
•P pause: A hard pause stops the calling sequence.
•T pause: A 2 second pause stops the calling sequence for 2
seconds and then automatically sends the remaining digits.
Note: Multiple 2 second pauses can be entered to extend the length of a
pause. For example, 2 consecutive 2 second pauses cause a total pause
time of 4 seconds. However, keep in mind that pauses count as digits
towards the 32 digit calling maximum.