5 . P ress the scroll keys to select an option:
U n l o cke d : The phone remains unlocke d .
L o c k Now : The phone locks immediately and stay s
l o c ked until the lock code is entere d .
On Powe r - U p : The phone locks automatically the nex t
time your phone is powe r ed on and stays locked until
the lock code is entere d .
6 . P ress to save the setting.
Dialing in Lock mode
You can place calls to emergency and special nu m b e r s in
L o c k mode.To place normal outgoing calls in Lock mode,
enter the lock code to unlock the phone,and then dial the
phone nu m b e r.
To place an outgoing call in Lock mode:
To call an emergency or special nu m b e r,enter the
number and then press .
To place normal outgoing calls,p r ess to display
the lock code scre e n ,and then enter the lock code.
When the Standby screen display s ,enter the phone
nu m b e r,and then press .
Special numbers
Your Samsung PCS Phone provides the option of stori n g
t h r ee special nu m b e rs .E a ch special number can be up to
ten digits long.
All three special nu m b e rs can be manu a l ly dialed at any
time even when your phone is locke d .This can be a useful
fe a t u re for controlling what nu m b e rs can be dialed fro m
your phone.
Lock code setting
The default lock code for your Samsung PCS Phone is ge n-
e ra l l y 0000,0123 or the last four digits of your phone nu m -
b e r.You can enter a personal lock code and later ch a n ge
the lock code as often as you like .
To enter a new lock code:
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Setup / To o l .
3 . P ress for Security and enter your current lock code.
4 . P ress for Change Lock .The current lock code dis-
p l ay s .
5 . Enter a new,fo u r - d i g it lock code by pressing the digi t
key s .
6 . P ress to save the new lock code or to ex i t .
N o t e :Your phone does not allow viewing of the lock code
unless you know the lock code (this is for obvious securi t y
re a s o n s ) .S o ,if you ch a n ge the lock code,be sure to wri t e
d o wn the new code and keep it for your re fe re n c e .
Locking the phone
The Security menu allows you to lock the phone manu a l ly
or automatically when powe ring on your phone or to leave
the phone unlocke d .
To lock the phone:
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Setup / To o l .
3 . P r ess for Security and enter your current lock code.
4 . P ress for Lock Phone.