English – 67
setup tool
UDP: It is a protocol appropriate to transmit a large
amount of data such as multimedia data in short time.
However, it provides higher transmission effi ciency
than TCP especially over high speed connections faster
than 100Mbps.
With multicast activated, it is not possible to perform
video recording search.
Audio cannot be transmitted to the camera through
the microphone.
Multicast backbone (MBone) is not supported, and
the camera can only be used in a LANbased
multicast environment.
Streaming Control
You need to set the bandwidth to an appropriate value
according to the data rate of your network for smooth
video streaming.
You can set the <Bandwidth> by selecting one
from <Unlimited / 5Mbps / 3Mbps / 1Mbps /
600Kbps / 300Kbps / 150Kbps>.
If your network provides data rate equal to or
higher than 100Mbps, it is recommended to set the
<Bandwidth> to <Unlimited> or <5Mbps>. If you
are using a broadband Internet connection, set the
<Bandwidth> to <3Mbps> or <1Mbps>.
If you are using low speed xDSL network, set the
<Bandwidth> to <600Kbps> or lower for smooth
video streaming.
The maximum number of images per second in
the video setting menu is automatically determined
depending on the selected <Bandwidth> value.
RTP Streaming Protocol
You can select a protocol for RTP streaming from
the <UDP(Unicast)>, <UDP(Multicast)>.
DDNS is an abbreviation of Dynamic Domain Name
Service that converts the IP address of a camera into a
general Host Name so that the user can easily remember
it and enables connecting a camera with a fi xed Host
Name even if the IP address of the camera may be
dynamically changed.
Select your DDNS Update function from Disable/
Samsung DDNS/Public DDNS.
Samsung DDNS
For Samsung DDNS service, Host Name is
assigned using last 3 bytes of MAC Address.
For example, your host name will be “e + fffe42
+ .websamsung.net = efffe42.websamsung.net”
when your MAC address of camera is 00:0D:F1:
Type Host Name (efffe42.websamsung.net) in the
address widow of Internet Explorer to connect.
Public DDNS
For Public DDNS, you can select one from dyndns.
com or no-ip.com.
To use public DDNS service, sign up a DDNS site
that is supported by a camera and use it with the
user ID and password you have specifi ed when you
sign up the site.
Host Name
Type the host name registered in DDNS service (i.e.
Host name in Dyndns).
User Name
Type user name used for DDNS service (i.e. User
Name(ID) registered in Dyndns).
Type the password used for DDNS service (i.e.
Password registered in Dyndns).