English – 59
setup tool
IP Type
Select the IP setting type from <Static IP>,
<Dynamic IP> or <PPPoE IP>.
MAC Address
Shows the Ethernet MAC Address. Since this value
is used to create a DDNS address, confi rm the
IP Address
Shows the currently confi gured IP address. If the
<IP Type> is set to <Static IP>, you can change
the IP address.
Subnet Mask
Show the <Subnet Mask> address for the
confi gured IP address.
Show the <Gateway> address for the confi gured
IP address.
DNS Server
Shows the IP address of the DNS (Domain Name
Service) server.
HTTP Webserver Port
Show the HTTP port used to connect to the
camera using the web browser. The default port
number is 80(TCP).
Device Port (TCP)
A port used to control video transmission. The
default value is 60001(TCP).
TCP Streaming Port
A port used to transfer video using the TCP
protocols. The default value is 60002(TCP).
UDP Streaming Port
A port used to transfer video using the UDP
protocols. The default value is 60003(UDP).
Upload Port(TCP)
A port used to upgrade software. Default value is
IPv6 Enable
IPv4 and IPv6 may be enabled simultaneously.
When IPv6 is enabled, your camera will receive an
IP address according to the confi guration in the
network router.
Multicast Address
Shows IP address set for video transmission using
UDP Multicast.
The default value is It is recommended
to set it to between and
Multicast Port
Shows UDP port set for video transmission using
UDP Multicast. The default value is 60005(UDP).
TTL stands for “Time To Live” that allows you to set
the number of routers so that the packet can pass
through. Each router decreases the TTL value one
by one when a packet passes it through. If the TTL
value reaches 0, the packet cannot pass through a
router. The default value is 63. It is recommended
to set it to between 0 and 255.
Set up the RTSP port number to use. The default
value is 554.