Organize messages by labels
You can organize your email by labelling your messages or adding
stars to mark important messages. You can then sort messages
by label filter.
To add or remove a message label:
1. In the Inbox screen, tap and hold a message.
2. Select Change labels.
3. Tap a label to add or remove the checkmark.
4. Select OK.
To add or remove a message star:
1. In the Inbox screen, tap and hold a message.
2. Select Add star or Remove Star. The star icon next to the
message is activated or deactivated.
To filter messages:
1. Press and select Go to labels.
2. Select the label of the messages that you want to view.
Gmail Options
1. From the Gmail Inbox, tap a message to view the following
: archives the selected message.
• Delete
: deletes the message.
displays the previous message.
displays the next message.
2. Press to access the following additional options:
• Change labels
: lets you change the message label.
• Mark unread
: unread messages or threads with unread
messages display in boldface text in the Inbox.
• Go to inbox
: displays the Gmail Inbox.
: mutes the conversation.
• Add/Remove star
: tap to add or remove a star.
Report spam
: reports the Email message as spam.
: allows you to configure the General and Notification
: launches the browser and displays the Gmail app for Android
help page.
Select text
: allows you to select text to copy and paste.