3. To add an picture or video, select Graphic or Video. The available
options are:
Add Graphic: Lets you Take Photo or add a file from Downloaded
Graphics, My Photos or Memory Card.
Add Video: Lets you Record Video or add a file from Downloaded
Videos, My Video Clips or Memory Card.
Preview: Lets you preview the message.
Save to Drafts: Saves the message to the Drafts folder.
Add Page: Adds a page to the message.
Delete Page: Deletes the current page from the message.
Edit Page: Lets you change the Duration, Move Page Forward, or
Move Page Backward.
Attach: Lets you attach calendar information to the message
(Business Card, Appointment, Anniversary, Miscellaneous, Task,
Notes or Other Files).
Send Settings: Lets you change the message send settings
(Delivery Report, Read Reply, Priority, Expiry, Delivery After).
4. To add an audio file, select Audio. The available options are:
Add: Lets you Record Audio or add a file from Downloaded Ring
Tunes, Voice Notes or Memory Card.
Preview: Lets you preview the message.
Save to Drafts: Saves the message to the Drafts folder.
Add Page: Adds a page to the message.
Delete Page: Deletes the current page from the message.
Edit Page: Lets you change the Duration, Move Page Forward, or
Move Page Backward.
Attach: Lets you attach calendar information to the message
(Business Card, Appointment, Anniversary, Miscellaneous, Task,
Notes or Other Files).