
9. Choose the Alarm Day panel. Press [ ] to open the selection menu.
The menu choices are:
Every day: The alarm sounds each day at the Alarm Time.
Once only: The alarm sounds the first time the Alarm Time occurs.
Individual days: The alarm sounds at the Alarm Time only on the
selected day(s).
For each selection you want to make, highlight it and press [ ] to put
a check mark in the selection box. When you are finished, press <OK>.
10. To change the Snooze setting, use the left and right navigation keys to
toggle the setting (Off, 1 Min, 3 Min, 5 Min, 7 Min, 10Min). Choose
Repeat and set number of times to repeat the alarm (1, 2, 3, 5, 10).
11. To allow the phone to power on if it is switched off when an alarm time
occurs, choose Auto Power and use the left and right navigation keys
to toggle the setting On.
12. Press [ ] or <Save> to save the settings.
Note: The Alarm icon appears in the Icon area on the Idle screen to show that an alarm has
been set.
Note: To stop the alarm when it rings, open the phone and press any key. To use the snooze
function to delay the alarm, press <Snooze>.
Adding and Deleting Alarms
The default alarm display shows Wake-up Alarm (intended for use as an
“alarm clock”) and task alarms Alarm 1 to Alarm 4.
You can add up to five additional alarms by pressing <Options> and
selecting Create Alarm.
To rename an alarm, choose the alarm, press [ ], enter the new
name in the Alarm Name box and press [ ].