Games & Apps
To view the Calendar, touch Games & AppsTools
Calendar. The calendar opens in Month, Week or Day view, depending on
the default setting (see “Calendar Options” on page 130).
In Month view, the current date is highlighted by a box around the number.
Events are indicated by a blue arrow at the lower right corner of the date.
Touch the arrows at the edges of the title bar to move to the previous or
following month. To view events on a specific day, touch the day twice to
open Day view.
Week view provides a grid with the days of the week across and daytime
hours arranged vertically. Use your fingertip to scroll the screen vertically to
view additional times. Blue colored squares indicate the time slots where
events are scheduled. Touch the arrows at the edges of the title bar to
move to the previous or following week. To view events on a specific day,
touch the day twice to open Day view.
Day view provides a list of the events associated with the chosen day and
the scheduled time for each.
Change the Calendar View
To change Calendar views, touch More and touch the desired view (View
by Day, View by Week or View by Month).
Create a New Event
1. From the idle screen, touch
Games & Apps Tools
Calendar Create Event.
2. Touch the Title field and use the onscreen keypad or the keyboard to
enter a name for this specific event. Touch OK to save the new name.
3. Touch the Start Date field. Use the keypad/keyboard to enter a date, or
the jog wheels to scroll to the desired Month, Date and Year using the +
and - buttons (switch between the two methods by touching Keypad or
Jog at the lower right corner of the screen). In Keypad mode, touch
Month, Date or Year as required and enter a setting using the keypad.