Visual Voicemail
Visual Voicemail enables users to view a list of people who left a
voicemail message, and listen to these messages any way you
want without being limited to chronological order.
1. From the Home screen, touch ➔
Visual Voicemail
2. Read the onscreen information and tap
activate Visual Voicemail if this is the first time it was
accessed.A list of the voicemail messages displays.
You must subscribe to Visual Voicemail service to use this feature.
Charges may apply. Please contact your service provider for further
3. Touch a voicemail message to play it back.
Task Manager
Your phone can run applications simultaneously, with some
applications running in the background.
Use Task Manager to see which applications are running on your
phone, and to end running applications to extend battery life. You
can also uninstall applications from your phone as well as view
memory used by applications.