Voicemail message: Indicates that you’ve received a new
voice message. You’re also notified by a visual, audible, and
VibeTonz alert according to your assigned preferences.
WAP push & voicemail message: Indicates that you’ve
received voice and WAP push messages. You’re also
notified by a visual, audible, and VibeTonz alert according to
your assigned preferences.
WAP push, TXT & voicemail message: Indicates that
you’ve received text, voice, and WAP push messages.
You’re also notified by a visual, audible, and VibeTonz alert
according to your assigned preferences.
1X Protocol: Indicates your phone is using the 1X protocol.
Battery strength: Indicates the battery charge level. The
more black bars, the greater the charge. When the battery
becomes very low, a flashing empty battery icon displays
and the phone sounds an audible alert, which indicates your
phone is about to shut down.
Alarm clock: The alarm clock is set.
GPS (911 only): This icon represents Global Positioning
Service (GPS) for 911.
GPS: Indicates GPS is on for location.
Silent mode: Indicates your phone is in silent mode. Ringer
is silenced for all alerts, incoming calls, and incoming
messages. The phone alerts you of incoming calls, alerts,
and messages by vibration and a flashing Service LED.
Vibrate mode: Your phone is in vibrate mode. When you
receive a call, the phone plays VibeTonz touch sensations
instead of ringing.
Speakerphone on: Your phone is in speakerphone mode.
You can talk and listen to your call without holding your
phone next to your ear.