You can perform calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division using your phone.
To perform a calculation
Use to enter a decimal point, and to change the sign for a
number to a negative.
1. In standby mode, press for the menu and
Press for
Calculator. The Calculator screen displays.
2. Use the keypad to enter the first number in your calculator. (Numbers
can be up to 9 digits long.)
3. Use the toggle arrows to set the operator for your calculation. Your
choices are:
[+] Addition, [-] Subtraction, [x] Multiplication, [/] Division.
4. Use the keypad to enter the second number into your calculator.
5. Press to perform the calculation and view the result, or continue
to calculate with the same operator, or change the operator and
continue. Every time you change the operator, the previous calculation is
performed and the result is displayed as the bottom number on the
display screen.
6. Press to perform the calculation and view the result.