Personal Organizer 104
1. From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu >
Programs > Tasks.
2. Locate the desired task from the list and tap the check box located to the left
of the task entry.
Task Options
From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu >
Programs > Tasks.
2. Tap the right soft key function Menu > Options. The following task options
are available in the task list:
• Set reminders for new items: If this option is selected, an alert is
automatically created when a new task is created.
• Show start and due dates: If this option is selected, the start and due
date is displayed in the task list.
• Show Tasks entry bar: If this option is selected, a bar is placed at the
top of the screen to allow you to create a new task without navigating
through the menu. For more information, refer to "The Task Entry Bar"
on page 104.
The Task Entry Bar
The task entry bar option automatically places a bar at the top of the screen to allow you to
create a new task without navigating through the menu. You simply tap the bar and enter a
name to create a new task. This option does not put in any start or end times. To enter any
additional information you need to edit the task.
Activate the Entry Bar
From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu >
Programs > Tasks.
2. Tap the right soft key function Menu > Options.
3. Tap the Show Tasks entry bar box.
4. Tap to save these parameters.
Editing a Task
From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu >
Programs > Tasks.
2. Tap the desired task from the task list to open it.
3. Tap the Edit soft key to launch the Task tab and begin updating the
information. For more information, refer to "Create a New Task" on page 103.