Section 9
There are several options in Picsel Browser that you can
adjust according to your preferences. While most of them
are a matter of choice, such as the number of days after
which items are removed from the history list, some affect
proper operation of the application. For example, if you
need a “proxy” to access the Internet, you can select this in
the preferences from the main menu. Picsel Browser can
display documents in many other languages. Since
character encodings used to store text are not always
clearly identified in some documents, you can set the
preference for the default which will be used on
documents in your native language.
For more information, you can access Tool-tips, which are
icons located in the menus of each view. To view these, tap
and hold your stylus over any icon to display information
about the item you have selected.
Microsoft Pocket Applications
MSN Messenger
Log onto Microsoft MSN® Messenger and chat with
others right from your i730. Using wireless data provided
by your carrier, you can quickly send instant messages to
your list of online buddies, or interact with several people
a t th e s a me t i me . T he c h a t w i n do w l et s y ou r e a d a nd w r it e
messages, and notifications alert you if others are trying to
get in touch. “My Text” lets you store and recall frequently
used messages so you can respond without composing a