4. Type in the current month, day, year, hour, and minute.
Use the left scroll key to backup to an incorrect entry if
you need to. When you get to the AM/PM setting, use the
volume key to select AM or PM, or press for AM or
for PM.
5. Press to save the setting and return to Standby
mode. The correct date and time will appear across the
bottom of the display, and the correct day will appear
under the battery charge icon.
Your Samsung phone can store two NAMs (NAM stands for
numerical assignment module - essentially your telephone
number). This means you can have two phone numbers on
your phone, and you can quickly and easily switch your
service back and forth between the two numbers.
Each NAM has an associated set of System Selection
settings (see “System Selection” on page 34).
Here’s how you select the NAM you want to use:
1. Press to display the Main Menu.
2. Press for Setup.
3. Press for Set NAM.
4. Press the scroll keys to select NAM-1 or NAM-2.
5. When the desired NAM displays, press to save the
setting. If you change the NAM, the phone will reboot
and acquire service using the new NAM setting.