
In case of connecting more than 2 cameras to an IP router
1. Set each SCC-C6475(P) Port differently.
Example) No.1 SCC-C6475(P) RTSP Control port: 554
TCP Streaming port: 555
UDP Streaming port: 8000 (8000~8009)
Upload port: 556
No.2 SCC-C6475(P) RTSP Control port: 557
TCP Streaming port: 558
UDP Streaming port: 8010 (8010~8019)
Upload port: 559
After completing every setup, Click the Apply button.
- SCC-C6475(P) will be reboot if the IP-related setting is changed
Finally, set the Port Forwarding in order for IP router to handle the access
requirement about the assigned IP to each SCC-C6475(P) camera.
IP router Port Forwarding setting can be designated at the Application &
Gaming Port Range Forward page.
As the Example in the figure, designate the TCP and UDP Port to the SCC-
C6475(P) camera that is connected to the IP router.
Each port that is set to the IP router should be set to the Port number that is
set at the SCC-C6475(P) IP setup page.
If the user connect the camera to the ADSL/Cable modem directly not using
the IP router, assign the network setting in the SCC-C6475(P) IP setup page
to ADSL or Cable Modem.
In the beginning, in order to access the setup page in camera, use the SCC-
C6475(P) Cross Lan Cable first, and connect user PC directly.
RJ-45 Cross Lan Cable will be enclosed with products.
3) In case of connecting the camera to the xDSL/Cable
internet network
DDNS Server
(Data Center, KOREA)
Remote PC
Cross Ethernet Cable
After completing the Port Forwarding setting to the SCC-C6475(P), Click the
Save Settings and save the setting value.
Completing the above setting, User can access the SCC-C6475(P) and monitor
the monitoring image by using the Local PC connected to the IP router and also
monitor the image to access the external IP router Remote PC.
- In case of accessing in the Local PC, user can access it by using the private IP
(Example: designated to SCC-C6475(P).
- IP or DDNS address of the IP router in case of accessing in the External
Remote PC. Access using (Example: cfffe42.websamsung.net).
DDNS address consists of a combination of 6 digits from the back of MAC
Address of SCC-C6475, a lower case letter c, m, or p, and the domain name
which is websamsung,net.
When 6 digits from the front of MAC Address of SCC-C6475 starts from
00:00:f0, attach the lower case c, when starting from 00:16:6c', attach the
lower case m, and when starting from 00:68:36, attach the lower case p.
Example 1) If the MAC Address of SCC-C6475 is 00:00:f0:ff:fe:42, DDNS
address = c + fffe42 + websamsung.net = cfffe42.websamsung.net
Example 2) If the MAC Address of SCC-C6475 is 00:16:6c:ff:fe:42, DDNS
address = m + fffe42 + websamsung.net = mfffe42.websamsung.net
Example 3) If the MAC Address of SCC-C6475 is 00:68:36:ff:fe:42, DDNS
address = p + fffe42 + websamsung.net = pfffe42.websamsung.net